Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Teach me to rest. I strive and struggle to get everything done. When I don't, I feel insufficiency. Teach me to rest in the truth that you are my sufficience.

I believe. Help my unbelief. Fill up in me what is lacking. Open my eyes where they are closed and let me hear where my ears are deaf. Hold your cross before my eyes and humble me so I can feel your help is in my prayers.
Dear God,
I would like for you to guide, protect, and be with my mom at her new job and house. I would like to ask the same for my dad, family, bf, and friends--and myself. I am thankful for everything you have done for me. You are a great God. Please be with me and my car--protect me and anyone with me while driving. Thank you! I love you. Amen.
Dear God and Father,

Thank you for all you had done and are going to do for your Son, who takes away my sins and the sins of all who believe, for the daily allotment of grace. I could not live without, for all of the blessings you bestow on us. I pray that you would make yourself known to this campus and that you would call to yourself people of every type and every group together to worship your name. I pray that you would unify your bride. The tension and division in your church so that we may better love and serve you and each other. Open the mouths of your people and put your truth in us, open the hearts of the lost so that they might become found.

In Jesus holy name,
I just want to begin by saying that you Father are so much greater than I can ever imagine to be. Any life, salvation, or anything in life comes from you. It was through your grace and mercy that I have been saved, not any action of mind and I just thank you for that immensely.
Turn the eyes and hearts--one focus--of believers back on You. Show us you are our only source of strength and apart from you we are and can do absolutely nothing. For those who don't know you, reveal to them your love and life; more importantly their ultimate, fulfilling purpose--to glorify a perfect and holy God.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for all the amazing blessings you have given me in life , and thank you for your grace daily. I love you so much!

In Jesus name,

You are wonderful, and I am vile.
I constantly sin against you, even though I know you hate my sin.
Thank you for sending your son to die the death that I deserve.
Keep my sin and your mercy in the forefront of my mind.

In X name,
Dear Lord,

Please bless the conversations that I am having with my brother about the bible. I feel like he and I are learning a lot. Also I want to lift up all of the guys in my frat and that your will be done in their life. You are awesome and amazing. I love you!

Dear God,
Thank you for all of your wonderful blessing. You are an awesome and amazing God. I pray that you would watch over our country in this time and lead us according to your will. Amen
I don't think you EXIST
Dear God,
Thank you for blessing my life. Help me be strong in my faith and strong in you . I hope that I can learn to be a candle in my community. So that I can spread your word to the lost and broken. I hope that I can always stay with and any time that things start to look bad I can just talk to you and everything will be okay. Thank you for always being there even when I thought you had left. I love you and I'll talk to you later.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for loving me even though I don't deserve it. I hope to be more like you everyday.

If God is real I hope he is really awesome
I pray that I will understand God better and I pray for my family and friends and pets. I thank God for life when I pray.
I pray for harmony + tolerance among all people, regardless of race, principles, or beliefs of any sort.

Dear God,
I hope Mom is doing ok up there in heaven. I can't believe that it is already been a year ago tomorrow that she passed away. I really miss her a lot. It's still really hard to imagine an entire lifetime without her, like with graduating college and having children, getting married...I know you must have a plan for her, but I still have a hard time understanding why you had to take her away so soon. She was the glue that held the familty together
Sometimes I still struggle with cutting myself. Can you please help give me direction?
I guess what I'm really asking for right now is strength and faith. It might take a while, but I'm sure you will help me find it eventually.
Okay, I'll talk to you later. Tell Mom I say hi, and everyone esle. Love you!

Our father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven
and give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever
Dear God,

Why is life so hard? Why does everything suck? Why anything?
Dear God,
Thank you for helping me get through another week. Please give me the strength to keep going and to meet all of my responsibilities. Forgive me my sins and give me the ability to love you to serve you faithfully and love you whole heartedly.

Father God,

Grant me humility and grace. Help me to believe the gospel. I thank you that you are present.

I thank you for your son who lived the life I cannot live and died the death I deserve to die. Teach me to hate my sin and cling to the crucified. Help me to love others because you love them.

Give me a repentant heart. Help me to pray in the name of and for the sakee of your son Jesus.

God please keep us All Safe, Strong, healthy, and happy. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.

I have nothing to say to you.
Dear JC,


[name edited for anonymity]
I pray for my family , that God would help them to get along and grow in deeper love both for God and for each other. I pray that one of them would be recondled to God, in spite of all the failings of the Christian church.

a woman came by and told me about a time when she had her 2 grandsons with her for a summer visit. They wanted her to pray with them before bed because they always do with their parents. So she read the Lord's prayer and Psalm 23 to them.
May peace and love be generated from every human being
To: God

Hi God! I love you so much. Thank you SO MUCH for being who you are. You are the only good thing in my life and the only permanent thing. You never change and you will always be here. When I'm an idiot and drift away from you, you're always patient and give me a wonderful reason to come back to you. You never change but you're always fresh and your constance and monotony is beautiful and comforting and passionate. Thanks for remind me of yourself when I get distracted and thnaks for speaking to me through your children. You're so eautiful and I love our chats and I pray that you would hole my hand and give me wisodm and courage for hte next stage of my life.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this day that you have blessed us with. Please continue to bless these young ladies here who are glorifying you and helping others here today by raising awareness of the need of prayer.
Thank you and in your Holy name I pray,
that my friends will find jobs
I hope that the pain, suffering, anger, and hurt will be lifted from my friend's heart. I pray he will find peace with God.

I pray for wisdom and guidance for my friends and me as we plan our summers, our next semesters, and our lives after college.

I pray that we would learn how to love our neighbors better and live sacrificially. May non-Christmas learn who Christ is, and may Christians learn what following Him really means.
I pray that people stop praying and start doing.

I'm lazy. We both know this. The last few weeks have been especially bad and my grades are slipping. Help me to be responsible and diligent with my work and to do it as unto you.
Additionally, I've been physically sick and tired for several weeks. This does not help my laziness at all. Give me strength to do my duty and to be kind. Forgive my sins, Lord and give mercy to me.
Restore unto me the joy of your salvation and renew a right spirit within me.
I pray for economic stability in hard times.
I pray for families and anyone in need or suffering, that they will obtain the necessary items and will from the good of others.
I pray for our nation's leaders and the leaders of all nations,that they will make good decisions for the people of the world.
I pray for love, liberty, life, happiness and hope for people everywhere.
For Revival on OU's campus.
For the Gospel to be preached and made known at OU.
For believers to become bold and unite in making the Gospel known to others.
For Jesus to become real in people's lives.
For Oklahoma students who have been raised going to church to be challenged about their beliefs, and whether or not they actually believe the Gospel and the Bible.